Winner Of De Gouden Uil 2006

Henk was born in the Netherlands but spent his teenage years in South Africa in Cape Town. After his return to the Netherlands he became a writer and an artist. He has published TIKOES and MOENIE KYK NIE, which won the Geertjan Lubberhuizen Prize. EEN MOND VOL GLAS was shortlisted for the GENERALE BANK PRIZE. The Frans Kellendonk Prize is awarded once every three years to a writer in recognition of the quality of his entire oeuvre. Van Woerden has contributed to Granta, Lettre Internationale and NRC Handelsblad and is an internationally acclaimed artist whose work hangs in several European museums.
Henk tragically passed away in his sleep on November 16th 2005 whilst based at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, where he was writer in residence.