Martin is a director of opera and theatre, a translator and a writer. His first book, GARS (recently reissued in a reworked version), was followed by FATHER OF GOD (VADER VAN GOD), A TRUE HERO (EEN WARE HELD) and LIZZIE. His most recent novel is THE SAINT (DE HEILIGE). Driessen’s work, widely acclaimed by the press, has been nominated for various literary prizes and translated into several languages including English, Italian, German, Spanish, Croatian and Hungarian. In 2016 he received the prestigious ECI Award; the Readers Prize and the Inktaap prize for RIVERS (RIVIEREN), also nominated for the Fintro Literature Prize and the Halewijn Prize. His novel THE PELICAN (DE PELIKAAN) (2018) was nominated for the Libris Literatuurprijs.