Radhika Jha

Radhika Jha’s novel is set in Japan and delves into its darkest heart but her themes are thoroughly universal. The female narrator belongs to a club, one that millions of women belong to. It involves beautiful clothes and accessories and is the most important thing in their lives. For Kayo it is an obsession, one that threatens to destroy her life as a good wife, mother and suburban housewife. Reunited with her beautiful childhood friend, whose life appears so glamorous, Kayo wants to become her, she is pulled ever deeper into a dark underworld of lies, debt, prostitution, even death. A powerfully atmospheric account of one woman losing her way and a mesmerising tale of consumerism gone mad.
‘A fascinating and dangerous novel. Like the windows of a department store, it seduces us, drawing us into its trap.’ Pages des Libraires
‘An intimate and incisive first-person narrative, carefree and disturbing.’ Femina

‘A fascinating book on the seductive (and toxic) power of shopping. Stronger than the pang of conscience we suffer every time we hand our credit card over with a smile to the shop assistant.’ Marie Claire, Italy
‘The bright universe of desirable fashion is captured with Faustian logic: the soul is given as a hostage to a desperate need.’ Corriere della Sera
‘Expertly executed.’ Hindustan Times
- Westland English language, Indian subcontinent
- Editions Philippe Picquier France
- Sellerio Editore Italy
- AST Russia
- Alianza Spain & Latin America
- Jacaranda Books UK, two editions including 10-year anniversary edition
Material: finished copies (208pp)