(Liefde in Pangea)
Tessa De Loo

Fidel Hulshoff loses his heart to an extraordinarily beautiful but rather eccentric class mate. He becomes embroiled in the web of lies that she has fabricated. He ends their relationship just before their school trip to Rome, where she commits suicide by jumping off a balcony in front of all her class mates. Fidel is devastated and left with feelings of guilt and the overwhelming question: ‘What was she going through?’ It’s only years later that he finds the answer. About first love, guilt and innocence, lies and betrayal, Tessa’s new novel has the power of her best work.
‘Tessa de Loo has, for the first time in a long time, written a really stunning novel. With Liefde in Pangea she shows herself to be the page turning storyteller she was in her earliest novels…. Her fascinating moving story pulls the reader through all the dramatic events and you live them whole-heartedly.’ **** Leidsch Dagblad (printed in many other papers)
- De Arbeiderspers NL
Material: Finished copies of the Dutch edition (287pp); sample English translation